Fire Safety Inspections

An important part of keeping our community safe is preventing fires at businesses. Marysville Fire District conducts Fire Safety Inspections prior to a business opening and typically on a yearly bases after that. These inspections are required in order to obtain and maintain a business license in the City of Marysville and in Quil Ceda Village. You can prepare for your inspection by reviewing the Pre-Inspection Checklist.

Contact Our Inspectors




Fire Marshal's Office Help Line:  360-363-8525

Documents and Forms


Common Questions



What are business requirements for fire extinguishers?

Every business is required to provide at least one 5 lb ABC (2A 10BC rated) fire extinguisher.

Extinguishers must be mounted, preferably near an exit door, so that the top of the extinguisher is no more than 60 inches from the floor. A fire extinguisher company must service fire extinguishers every year, and a tag must be attached to the extinguisher showing the date of last service.


How large do address numbers need to be?

Address numbers must be posted on the building so they are clearly visible from the street which we would use during an emergency response to your location (see full guidelines).

  • Address numbers for commercial buildings must be a minimum of six inches high with a principal stroke of at least three-quarters inch.
  • Where the building is not visible from the street or a single access road or private roadway serves more than one building, provision shall be made to clearly identify which driveway or roadway serves the appropriate address.
  • Address numbers at least four inches high shall be prominently displayed on rear entrance or access doors when required by the fire code official.
  • Interior and exterior access doors or individual dwelling, housekeeping, living units, or commercial tenant spaces also shall be clearly marked. Numbers and/or letters of such units shall be at least four inches high.
  • For address numbering size table, see MFD address number guidelines here.


How much clearance is needed for my fire hydrant?

Fire hydrants must be visible to first responders in an emergency. Find specific requirements here.


Are extension cords allowed?

Extension cords and multi-plug adapters are not permitted, except for temporary use. Provide an outlet for each device that needs to be plugged in or provide an approved "power strip" (a multi-plug device with a built-in circuit breaker).


Can my business use dead bolts on doors?

Dead bolts are not allowed on required exit doors. If the door is not a required exit, deadbolt restrictions may not apply. In general, a required exit door must be operable with one single motion; turning a doorknob, pushing down on a lever actuator, or pushing on panic bar hardware.


What are requirements for outlets and switches?

All outlets and switches must have approved covers.  All openings on electrical panel boxes must be plugged or covered and must be accessible. Circuit breakers and fuses must be appropriately labeled, indicating devices and locations being powered. In general, wiring in the electrical system should not be visible; it should be covered and protected from damage.


What are guidelines for exit paths?

In general, your facility should be neat and clean with clear exit paths from all parts of your business. Remove potential hazards to customers or employees who may need to exit your business during an emergency. 


Find answers to other general questions here.

Fire Marshal's Office

Phone: 360-363-8525

Fax: 360-659-1382

1635 Grove Street

Marysville, WA 98270




Marysville Fire District
1635 Grove Street
Marysville, WA 98270

(360) 363-8500 



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Marysville Fire District
1635 Grove Street
Marysville, WA 98270
(360) 363-8500
© Marysville Fire District