Station 65 - Lake Goodwin

17500 E. Lake Goodwin Road

Stanwood, WA 98292

Fire Station 65 - Lake Goodwin Fire Station 65 - Lake Goodwin

Fire Station 65 is located in the vicinity of Lakewood Road and East Lake Goodwin Road, otherwise known as SR 531. This station is home to one Aid Car, one Engine Company, one Tender, and a Squad and Boat for surface water rescue incidents. The Tender carries 3500 gallons of water for fire suppression needs in non-hydranted areas.


Station 65 is the oldest fire station in the Marysville Fire District and served as the former headquarters of Fire District 20. The station was originally built with volunteer labor in 1963, on a portion of what was then Schuhs Resort, and is one of only two fire stations in the District with a 'hose tower.'


Blood Pressure checks can be performed when crews are available, during business hours.



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Marysville Fire District
1635 Grove Street
Marysville, WA 98270

(360) 363-8500 



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Marysville Fire District
1635 Grove Street
Marysville, WA 98270
(360) 363-8500
© Marysville Fire District